Sales, Servicing, Customising & Storage

Bespoke Work
Buying an American Motorhome RV & bespoke RV's built just for you.
We can offer many other services as well as just a simple sale, take a look at some of our vehicles, on some of these we find superb quality older vehicles perhaps, and then we bring them back to the UK ready to turn them into EXACTLY what you require.
On these units we have the ideal combination of superb prepared unit, however we then update them with your help. We take your input as to what you like in terms of colour scheme and design outside, then we renew the inside, again using your input, choice and design. You get a motorhome with all your desires and wishes, but at a price that will leave you astounded at the value.
We normally only use top quality Diesel pushers to carry out this on, this then gives you the quality base with the design you like, but with longevity and value. We have our own trimmers and a paintshop just waiting to serve you, if you have the imagination and vision, we have the bespoke service just waiting for you.
Below is a selection of before, during & after pictures of just one we have carried out a conversion on.
These before and after pictures, show a customer's Motorhome that came to us looking a little tired, however we carried out a full mechanical overhaul on it for him plus a makeover on the body. When finished the whole Motorhome really gleamed better than it did when it was new, and with a fresh MoT, he was on his way for some happy and worry-free travels.

More before and after pictures

Unit as purchased in Arizona

as purchased rear view

RV back in the UK & undergoing conversion

Laying up for the new full body paint design

Fitting up with the new mirrors & hid headlights. Nearly getting there with the finishing touches.

She is finished and ready for a shakedown test

The finished RV with some stunning paintwork etc.

Finished & on test, all system checked & 500 miles under her belt, she drew some real attention from everyone,
on the road and parked.

Original RV as was before any modifications etc. Front lighting will be replaced with hid HELLA units etc.

At the start of the painting process in primer

At the stage of first base colour in gold

Second colour applied, and lined out for third colour

The vehicle after leaving the paint booth