Sales, Servicing, Customising & Storage

Articles from the press
Sometimes Local is Best
Ariticle from Americal RV Magazine
With the mileage approaching 30,000 and with 12 months having passed since its last service our 5-year-old Dutch Star was due for a wash and brush up.
in its early years it had been returned to the Midlands based supplying main dealer requiring a small mortgage to pay for the routine items.
This time around we sought somebody a little closer to home and after surfing the interweb we came up with an indepenŽdent dealer just an hour away from our home in Sussex.
We were at first a little dubious of using an outfit of which we had never heard of nor seen any advertisements for in the RV press but decided to book a service and a steam clean anyway as we were told we could stay and observe what was to be done.
As it turned out our concerns were completely unjustified, we were treated with old-fashioned courtesy and plain straight talking from two guys who knew their job.
So much so that Michele and I stayed on site for two nights as we decided that, as the chassis and underside of the RV were now clean and dry to have a coat of Dinitrol under seal applied.
Small problems were pointed out and rectified and it would appear from the date coding on some of the filters that this would be the first time they had been changed.
So much for previous dealers claiming and charging for the same!
The final surprise was the invoice, previously for a service we had seen amounts of more than £2,000, this time around it was less than £850 and this included the steamclean/dry/Dinitrol under body treatment. A spare can of Dinitrol was also handed over in case we needed to do any touch up!
We were so surprised that we actually questioned whether the oils themselves had been changed. Oh yes it included all the fluids, grease and even non-stock filters for the generator, which was also serviced.
So no axe to grind other than a very satisfied customer, which is how this company is expanding their business, no flash adverts just word of mouth from happy clients.
All aspects of repairs are covered and they also have a small fleet of vans that can come to you for the smaller jobs.
Simon, the owner, ran a coach and bus fleet in a previous life so is well used to larger vehicles and his mechanics have all the relevant experience.
Glen & Michele Tyzack